RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Stockgrowers Association continues to secure resolutions on a production issue they say is over-reach by the federal government.
USDA now requires the use of electronic animal identification ear tags on some livestock. Doris Lauing, executive secretary of the South Dakota Stockgrowers was before the Meade County Commission this week, asking for their support in staying or overturning the federal rule.
Lauing explained that the association isn’t against producers who want to use EID tags – but it is opposed to the use being mandated.
South Dakota Stockgrower directors have been meeting with county commissions around the state asking for their support in issuing an opposing resolution. Lauing believes the resolutions will strengthen state laws related to animal i.d. and convince USDA to pause the mandate.
Lauing encourages producers who oppose the EID mandate to sign a petition that will be available at the Stockrower’s booth at the Black Hills Stock Show.
See more information on the timeframe of the implementation of EID ear tags at KBHBRadio.com