RAPID CITY, S.D. – Early voting is underway for the Rapid City Area Schools nearly $190 million bond proposal.
Membes of the school board and leaders of the ‘Vote Yes’ campaign held a pep rally Monday to urge people to get out and vote.
If passed, the bond will pay for renovating and replacing schools in the district to keep pace with expanding enrollment numbers.
The vote affects schools RCAS Schools in Pennington and part of Meade County.
Black Hawk area residents in southern Meade County are eligible to join other registered voters in the Rapid City School District Area 51-4 for the upcoming election.
Supporters say the bond is a solution for school overflow, safety concerns and enhancing the quality of education.
Some voters, though, have concerns about the cost and taxes in the long run, which makes the outcome of the February vote unpredictable.
If the bond proposal passes, the $189,553,000 project would increase property taxes approximately 85 cents for every $1,000 valuation on property.
Early voting ends February 24th and polling stations for the special cond election will be open February 25th.
Pennington Auditor Cindy Mohler said, “Our website www.pennco.org provides forms for voter registration and for an absentee ballot, as well as, the link to the website for military voters. Voters can check their registration or track their absentee ballot online at www.sdsos.gov where a voter can view a sample ballot, verify their location, or track the status of their absentee ballot.”