RAPID CITY, S.D. – Enhanced fire danger is expected today through Sunday across western and southern South Dakota.
Minimum relative humidity will drop into the 15-35 percent range with the lowest readings across south-central South Dakota. Additionally, breezy winds will be seen over the area. These conditions will lead to high fire danger for parts of the Black Hills and surrounding prairie areas.
The combination of forecasted warm, windy weather and the dormant grass will be the main factors driving fire spread and intensity this weekend. Areas that are now becoming snow-free with cured grasses will easily ignite.
South Dakota Wildland Fire Division would like to remind the public that if you have burned slash piles in the last couple of weeks, you should check to see if your piles are cold and completely out.
This type of weather can cause burn piles to re-ignite if the pile has not been completely extinguished and cold to the touch. Permit holders are reminded to use the back of their hands to feel the ashes; if you can touch ashes without feeling any heat, the pile can be considered cold and out. If a pile should escape and start a wildland fire, landowners can be held financially responsible for all suppression costs.
Additionally, the use of tools that generate sparks, digging with earth moving equipment, dragging chains from trailers, tossing cigarette butts, or parking in high grass can start a wildfire.
The public is urged to be extremely careful with ignition sources to prevent wildland fires.