House shoots down proposed Meade County shooting range funding

PIERRE, S.D. – The House on Monday decided against sending state funding to a proposed shooting range north of Rapid City in rural Meade County.

That shooting range is heavily opposed by neighboring landowners who are concerned about noise, crime, traffic, access to their property, and the impact on the dirt roads, cattle, wildlife and drinking water.

The bill sought $2.5 million for the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department to help construct the $10-12 million dollar facility. It needed a two-thirds majority vote after being “smoked out” Friday last week. Debate in the House Monday was centered on the use of the money.

Opponents of the bill noted the facility would probably be built regardless through private donations and that state money could be better spent elsewhere.

Representative Tim Goodwin of Rapid City filed an intent to reconsider the bill Monday afternoon, but his effort failed.

The GF&P Commission voted 6-1 last week to authorize the full G.F. & P. Department to spend $900,000 on the 400 acres of land to be used for the shooting range.

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Rapid City, US
8:16 am, November 23, 2024
temperature icon 24°F
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Sunrise: 6:59 am
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Sarah Bestgen

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