Western South Dakota's Only Ranch Station
A tornado over farm and ranch land
Courtesy Photo J.T. Vig

Low-interest physical loss loans available to producers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Counties in Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota, as well as others, are included to apply for low-interest physical loss loans as a result of severe weather.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced the availability of low-interest physical loss loans through the USDA Farm Service Agency for producers affected by severe weather conditions, including tornadoes, hail, and high winds. These loans are designed to help repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to agricultural operations.

Eligible properties include essential farm buildings, real estate fixtures, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut-bearing trees, as well as harvested or stored crops and hay. The FSA will review applications based on the extent of damages, available security, and the applicant’s repayment ability.

Application Deadline: April 2, 2025

Primary Montana Counties Eligible: Valley

Contiguous Counties Also Eligible: Montana: Daniels, Garfield, McCone, Phillips, and Roosevelt

For high wind damage, another set of counties is also eligible:

Primary County for High Winds: Dawson

Contiguous Counties for High Winds: Montana: McCone, Prairie, Richland, and Wibaux

The USDA has also designated Carter County, Montana as a primary natural disaster area due to severe weather conditions including excessive rain, flash flooding, hail, high winds, and lightning. This designation allows farmers and ranchers in Carter County to access emergency credit through the USDA Farm Service Agency.

The designation facilitates emergency loans which can be used for a variety of recovery needs, such as replacing essential items, reorganizing farming operations, or refinancing certain debts. FSA will assess loan applications based on the severity of the losses, available security, and the borrower’s repayment capability.

Application Deadline: April 7, 2025

Primary County Eligible: Carter

Contiguous Counties Also Eligible: Montana: Custer, Fallon, and Powder River, South Dakota: Butte and Harding, Wyoming: Crook

More Resources
On farmers.gov, the Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool, Disaster Assistance-at-a-Glance fact sheet, and Loan Assistance Tool can help determine program or loan options.

To file a Notice of Loss or to ask questions about available programs, contact a local USDA Service Center.

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Rapid City, US
8:32 pm, September 7, 2024
temperature icon 72°F
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Pressure 1015 mb
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Sunrise: 6:23 am
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