Hudson Wheeler
Man arrested after allegedly threatening new Governor

Man arrested after allegedly threatening Governor Rhoden

RAPID CITY, S.D. – A 28 year old man from Rapid City man has been arrested for threatening South Dakota Governor Larry Rhoden.

Hudson Wheeler was arrested Monday (Feb. 3, 2025) and charged with one felony count of Threatening or Intimidating a Person Holding Statewide Office.

Attorney General Marty Jackley said an investigation led by the Division of Criminal Investigation indicated it was Wheeler that made threatening telephone calls to the Governor’s Office.

Officials say they were able to track the phone number to 28-year-old Hudson Wheeler, a teacher at South Middle School in Rapid City. Court documents say in the calls, Wheeler could be heard saying, “Rhoden, I know you’re not in charge of it all, but hey, you’re sticking your neck out too much man” and “Good luck Kristi, I’m coming for you. I’m *expletive* coming for you.”

The affidavit says Wheeler admitted he drank about 10 but less than 18 beers, left approximately six to 10 voice mails to multiple government officials, and stated he was angry at what is going on in the world right now and was ranting.

In a statement from the Rapid City Area School District, it said it “takes allegations of staff misconduct very seriously. When concerns arise, we work closely with law enforcement. Please know that RCAS is committed to the safety of our students and staff. We expect all staff members to adhere to the highest ethical practices and conduct.”

A separate statement sent directly to RCAS staff members said, “RCAS Staff, we want to inform you that an RCAS teacher has been involved in a situation expected to receive media coverage. The individual has been accused of making threats against the Governor, and law enforcement is actively handling the matter.

As this situation unfolds, students, families, or community members may ask questions. Please refrain from speculation and refer any media inquiries to me.”

In another call, Wheeler is accused of saying, “I will kill everyone who has government official if you come to Rapid City.”

Wheeler made first court appearance Tuesday (Feb. 4, 2025) in Pennington County Circuit Court and is being held on a $25,000 cash only bond. His next court appearance was scheduled for Feb. 19, 2025.

Wheeler faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. He is presumed innocent under the U.S. Constitution.

Jackley said disagreement regarding government action or inaction is our right, however threats of any kind against public officials should not be tolerated. He said public officials have a right to safety while conducting their official duties.

Other agencies involved in the investigation are the South Dakota Fusion Center, South Dakota Highway Patrol, and Rapid City Police Department.

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