Meade 46-1 School Board approves back to school plan; will decide August 31 under what level

STURGIS, S.D. – The Meade 46-1 School Board decided Monday night to wait until August 31 to make a decision as to what level they will begin in-class learning on September 8th.

Under the district’s back to school plan, there are three color-coded phases. A Phase 1 is when there is little to minimal cases of COVID-19. A Phase 2 means there are isolated cases of COVID-19 among students and staff and a Phase 3 means substantial spread of COVID-19. Under a Phase 3, some buildings could be temporarily closed and distance learning picks up. Face coverings are recommended under a Phase 1, and then would be mandated under a Phase 2 when social distancing is not an option.

Superintendent Don Kirkegaard says the board wanted to wait until August 31 before making a decision as to what phase they would open so more test results could come in.

Kirkegaard says the board on August 31st will also discuss the criteria to be used when deciding between each phase.

The board last night also voted to approve a temporary COVID-19 self-quarantine leave policy for faculty and staff.

The policy would be in effect until May 27, 2021.

According to the policy, staff that exhaust paid sick leave through the FFCRA and subject to another quarantine period due to exposure while on the job would be able to work from home, if possible.

If it isn’t possible, they would go on administrative paid leave during the quarantine, but the quarantine must be issued by the Department of Health, their medical provider or the school district.

The school board and superintendent would have final say on administrative leave.

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