RAPID CITY, S.D. – According to a press release, in order to protect its residents from exposure to the COVID-19 virus, Monument Health announced that visitors will not be allowed at its Custer Care Center and Assisted Living in Custer and its Sturgis Care Center.
“This is a really difficult decision, because we know how important family is for our residents,” said Conner Fiscarelli, Senior Director of Long Term Care Services at Monument Health. “However, for older people COVID-19 is an especially devastating virus.”
Phone calls or online applications such as Facetime, Hangouts and Skype can be a good alternative to in-person visits. If residents need help arranging access, caregivers will be able to assist them. In addition, Monument Health advises its residents to avoid leaving the care centers or assisted living facility.
Last week, Monument Health announced that it will limit the number of visitors to patients that have potentially infectious conditions. This helps conserve vital personal protection equipment such as masks, gloves and eye protection, which is in short supply worldwide.
Patients whose visitors must wear gowns, face masks or other protective gear are asked to designate one support person who can visit them. Monument Health will work with families of pediatric patients and those patients with special needs.