RAPID CITY, S.D. – The National Weather Service offices will no longer conduct the TEST Tornado Warning drill in conjunction with Severe Weather Preparedness Week.
According to a release, the NWS regional headquarters decided to discontinue issuing them based on two factors.
First, the bulletins include coding that prevents them from being sent to systems such as the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on cell phones, so it is not a complete test of all methods by which people receive NWS warnings.
Second, the TEST wording is not included in EAS messages and on web sites, weather apps, electronic highway signs, siren systems, and navigation systems; which could cause confusion among the public.Â
The weather service will still observe the week through news releases, public service announcements, media interviews, web pages, and social media posts.
Severe Weather Awareness Week this year is April 22-29.