New Graduated Driver License Requirements Take Effect July 1

PIERRE, S.D. – July 1, 2021 is an important date for drivers between the ages of 14 and 18 and their parents in South Dakota.

That is because a new state law takes effect that changes some requirements for South Dakota teenage driver licenses and permits. It is important that teen drivers and their parents understand the changes.

Specifically, the new law makes changes to the state’s graduated driver licensing program for teenage drivers due to a law approved by the 2020 state legislature. Due to COVID-19, Gov. Kristi Noem suspended implementation of the new law through June 30, 2021. On July 1, 2021, the measure becomes law.

This new law changes some of the eligibility requirements for teenage driver instruction permits and operator licenses, meaning that after July 1,no one size fits all for our teenage drivers. If they have not done so already, it is important for young drivers and their families to closely review the new law and its provisions before July 1 to see how they will be impacted.

For further information, including the text of the new state law, please visit the Driver Licensing Program website at You can also contact the state Driver Licensing Program via email at [email protected] or by calling 605-773-6883.

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