State legislators convene at capitol building.

New laws from hunting to hemp go into affect July 1st

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.  – South Dakota lawmakers passed 234 bills during this year’s legislative session and on Monday, July 1, 208 of those new laws will go into effect.

Some of the laws going into effect allow for $10 million to the Aeronautics Commission for improvement grants for public airports. In June, the commission heard applications from nine public airports.

Another law changes the designation of what qualifies for a legal newspaper.

One law taking effect stops a person that lives outside the state of South Dakota for at least 180 aggregate days in a calendar year from being eligible for resident hunting and fishing licenses.

Twenty-six bills were declared an emergency and went into effect immediately after Gov. Kristi Noem signed them.

One law that was scheduled to go into effect July 1 but won’t be is Senate Bill 201, known as the so-called Landowner Bill Rights. Opponents believe they have gathered enough signatures to force SB201 onto the November election ballot.

House bills going into effect July 1

HB 1003 updates a reference to the Internal Revenue Code for purposes of higher education savings plans.

HB 1004 updates the official code of laws

HB 1005 revises the manner of citing the Administrative Rules of South Dakota.

HB 1006 increases the amount of time permitted the Interim Rules Review Committee to review final permanent rulemaking materials.

HB 1007 amends the requirement to employ a county veterans’ service officer.

HB 1008 modifies the eligibility for admission to the state veterans’ home and repeal the residency requirement.

HB 1011 revises the membership of the South Dakota Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission.

HB 1012 adopts the interstate counseling licensure compact and revises educational requirements to comply with the compact.

HB 1013 adopts the advanced practice registered nurse compact.

HB 1015 adopts the social work licensure compact.

HB 1017 adopts the psychology inter-jurisdictional licensure compact.

HB 1018 revises certain references to the Internal Revenue Code.

HB 1019 clarifies language regarding sales and use tax in certain statutes.

HB 1020 revises the method by which completion of a required suicide awareness and prevention training is verified.

HB 1023 provides immunity from liability for certain actions of the State Bar and its agents.

HB 1024 requires that an application for a medical marijuana registry identification card include a notice of federal law regarding firearms and the unlawful use of a controlled substance.

HB 1026 clarifies the requirement for the construction or expansion of a municipal campground or tourist accommodation facility.

HB 1029 modifies and repeals provisions related to the licensure of hearing aid dispensers and audiologists.

HB 1030 updates statutory and regulatory references pertaining to water pollution.

HB 1031 updates the development and implementation of conservation district standards.

HB 1033 addresses the administration of State Conservation Commission functions by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

HB 1034 requires hydrogen pipelines to be permitted by the Public Utilities Commission.

HB 1035 extends the period of renewal for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol.

HB 1038 excludes certain habitual DUI offenders from eligibility for presumptive probation.

HB 1039 provides for the payment of legal expenses originating from crime committed at a facility maintained by the Department of Corrections.

HB 1046 prohibits the intentional disarming of a law enforcement officer and to provide a penalty therefor.

HB 1047 enhances the penalties for eluding law enforcement.

HB 1049 authorizes the Board of Regents to accept and use easement proceeds for the purposes authorized by the 2022 Session Laws, chapter 198.

HB 1050 updates references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.

HB 1051 makes technical changes to provisions regarding the compensation of agents.

HB 1055 raises the appraisal value of surplus property that may be sold by a political subdivision without notice.

HB 1057 creates the Commission on Indigent Legal Services and Office of Indigent Legal Services, to make an appropriation for reimbursing county indigent legal services, and to declare an emergency.

HB 1058 modifies agency reporting requirements on licensure, certification, job placements, and the labor market.

HB 1059 revises certain provisions regarding insurance holding companies.

HB 1060 revises certain provisions related to travel reimbursement.

HB 1063 amends the valuation service used to value vehicles.

HB 1067 designates Medal of Honor Recognition Day.

HB 1068 allows disabled veterans to obtain a standard issue county motor vehicle or motorcycle license plate.

HB 1069 permits the display of campaign signs in municipalities in conjunction with the beginning of absentee voting.

HB 1071 revises a provision providing authority to the Governor to enter into agreements with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

HB 1073 keeps interest earned on incarceration construction fund moneys in the same fund.

HB 1074 expands eligibility to practice as a dental hygienist under the collaborative supervision of a dentist.

HB 1076 requires the consideration of the definition of antisemitism when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices.

HB 1077 provides for the disbursement of the catastrophic county poor relief fund to the participating counties in the event of the discontinuance of the fund.

HB 1082 changes the eligibility requirements, and the exempt value, of a property tax relief program for disabled veterans and surviving spouses.

HB 1083 permits a person convicted of certain driving under the influence offenses to drive for certain purposes.

HB 1084 repeals a provision related to habeas corpus proceedings.

HB 1085 specifies the venue of appeal to circuit court for persons committed to a mental health facility.

HB 1086 establishes an enhanced penalty for probationers intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste with a Unified Judicial System employee.

HB 1087 modifies the definitions of a child in need of supervision and a delinquent child.

HB 1088 removes the option for a court services officer to prepare documentation in an adoption proceeding.

HB 1089 excludes certain crimes from presumptive probation;

HB 1091 enacts the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact.

HB 1092 revises provisions regarding the 911 emergency surcharge.

HB 1093 makes an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a facility to provide certain health facilities and services.

HB 1095 establishes provisions for the operation of automated motor vehicles.

HB 1096 provides that a temporary restraining order may extend beyond thirty days in certain circumstances involving stalking.

HB 1097 authorizes transportation activities by air ambulance operators.

HB 1098 provides free birth certificates to persons experiencing homelessness.

HB 1099 establishes educational standards for the expanded practice of optometry.

HB 1100 modifies certain requirements for eligibility to receive a gift of a museum collection from a county or municipality.

HB 1101 provides a special motor vehicle license plate for recipients of the Legion of Merit award.

HB 1104 enhances the penalty for accessory to first- or second-degree murder.

HB 1116 makes fraudulent solicitation of charitable contributions a deceptive act or practice.

HB 1117 repeals a requirement for the filing of an annual report regarding prearranged funeral trust contracts.

HB 1118 revises unclaimed property provisions.

HB 1119 creates a habitat conservation specialty plate and emblem.

HB 1120 provides special motor vehicle license plates for advanced life support personnel and emergency medical technicians.

HB 1124 provides for the temporary filling of water development district board positions created as a result of population increases.

HB 1125 prohibits the chemical modification or conversion of industrial hemp and the sale or distribution of chemically modified or converted industrial hemp and to provide a penalty therefor.

HB 1126 permits an alternative delivery method for issuance of a policy by an insurer.

HB 1127 modifies requirements for incorporating municipalities that are within three miles of another incorporated municipality.

HB 1128 requires a zoning authority to determine that a well is an established well that has not been abandoned in making a permitting decision.

HB 1130 revises water development district boundaries.

HB 1131 waives certain fees for nondriver identification cards for individuals who are homeless.

HB 1132 revises certain provisions pertaining to municipal government.

HB 1135 expands definitions pertaining to the purchasing of grain.

HB 1145 modifies brand registration and use laws.

HB 1147 addresses discriminatory acts against entities participating in a 340B drug pricing program.

HB 1161 regulates the acceptance of a central bank digital currency.

HB 1163 amends provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code.

HB 1178 prohibits the Board of Regents or any institution under its control from using state resources for obscene live conduct.

HB 1182 revises provisions pertaining to the observation of the conduct of an election.

HB 1183 modernizes the process for annual audits of third-party insurance administrators.

HB 1185 amends provisions regarding entry on private property for examination and survey of a project requiring a siting permit

HB 1186 defines the requirements for granting a carbon pipeline easement;

HB 1187 creates a one-year career and technical education instructor educator permit;

HB 1194 clarifies provisions pertaining to tax increment finance districts.

HB 1195 provides authority for a court to order offenders convicted of vehicular homicide topay restitution to a victim’s children until age eighteen

HB 1196 streamlines the process by which an on-sale retail license holder may acquire a special event license.

HB 1197 requires the publication of measures taken to restrict the access of obscene materials by minors.

HB 1200 increases the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility

HB 1201 makes an appropriation for the teacher apprenticeship pathway program; and,

HB 1211 repeals the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact.

HB 1220 allows an appeal of a decision of the Department of Education regarding special education or related services by a civil action against the department.

HB 1224 requires the creation of an informational video and other materials describing the state’s abortion law and medical care for a pregnant woman experiencing life-threatening or health-threatening medical conditions.

HB 1225 defines a multi-passenger quadricycle and provides for the regulation of multi-passenger quadricycles.

HB 1228 provides that required exterior hunting garments may be fluorescent pink.

HB 1229 adds a county as able to be assigned responsibility for secondary highways on municipal boundaries.

HB 1231 places restrictions on the ownership of agricultural land.

HB 1232 creates the Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council.

HB 1233 amends requirements for a cosmetology apprenticeship.

HB 1240 permits a homeowner’s association, development, or incorporated community to modify a restrictive covenant.

HB 1245 revises provisions related to the custody of an alleged delinquent child before and after a temporary custody hearing.

HB 1259 appropriates money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.


Senate bills going into effect July 1

SB 1 expands eligibility for the reduced tuition benefit for certain school district and Head Start employees at Board of Regents institutions to school counselors.

SB 2 removes provisions for establishing a uniform method for calculating high school credit received from completing a postsecondary course.

SB 3 extends the length of time allowed for a tax agreement with an Indian tribe.

SB 4 revises provisions regarding township contracts for snow removal.

SB 5 reduces the amount of time required before the removal of a city manager is effective.

SB 6 revises provisions related to death by distribution of a Schedule I or II substance.

SB 7 revises the water resources projects list.

SB 9 further limits applications for clemency for violent crime offenders sentenced to life imprisonment.

SB 10 requires that a notification of medical cannabis certification be provided to a patient’s primary or referring practitioner.

SB 11 prohibits a practitioner from referring a patient to a medical cannabis clinic with which the practitioner or an immediate family member has a financial relationship and to provide a penalty therefor.

SB 12 authorizes certain employer actions regarding the use of cannabis by an employee or a prospective employee.

SB 14 expands authorization for the conditional taking of coyotes from snowmobiles.

SB 15 requires a convicted defendant to reimburse the cost of digital forensic examination fees.

SB 18 allows the secretary of state to share information from the statewide voter registration file.

SB 19 rescinds rulemaking authority pertaining to the process for publishing required voter registration numbers.

SB 21 rescinds rule-making authority for the annual report of the number of voters removed from a county’s voter registration list.

SB 22 amends language regarding the licensing period for a grain buyer.

SB 23 exempts an electric vehicle charging station from being subject to a civil fine for overcharging.

SB 24 increases the maximum user fee for a participant submitting to wear a drug patch under the 24/7 sobriety program.

SB 26 clarifies the membership of the Open Meeting Commission.

SB 27 modifies the criteria for removal from the sex offender registry.

SB 29 allows eligible members of the South Dakota National Guard attending an in-state private, nonprofit post-secondary institution to receive the state tuition benefit.

SB 33 repeals the Petroleum Release Compensation Board.

SB 35 provides that certain personal information of a lottery prize winner may only be used for advertising or promotion with the winner’s consent.

SB 37 revises provisions regarding repair and maintenance of mail routes.

SB 38 amends the amount a merchant or place of business may assess against returned checks.

SB 39 prohibits a homeowners’ association from placing restrictions on firearms or firearm ammunition.

SB 40 establishes a criminal background check requirement for licensure as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant.

SB 41 modifies an administrative procedure for revoking a nonresponsive insurance producer’s license.

SB 42 modifies provisions related to medical cannabis.

SB 43 establishes procedures for the imposition of fines and probation against medical cannabis establishments, increases the allowable fee for a medical cannabis establishment registration certificate, and directs the Department of Health to promulgate rules to increase the fee for a registration certificate.

SB 46 authorizes the disclosure of referral status by Department of Human Services personnel.

SB 47 revises the incentive program for juvenile diversion opportunities.

SB 51 revises property tax levies for school districts and revises the state aid to general and special education formulas.

SB 52 revises the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2024.

SB 54 updates hunting and fishing residency requirements.

SB 55 removes multiple vehicle ownership as a condition for purchasing an additional park entry license at a reduced price.

SB 57 creates uniform procedures for consideration of criminal histories and convictions in professional or occupational licensure.

SB 58 revises provisions regarding money transmission.

SB 59 provides for the downgrade of commercial driver licenses and commercial learner’s permits upon notice of certain drug and alcohol violations.

SB 60 updates references to certain regulations regarding medical qualifications for certain commercial drivers.

SB 61 repeals the Visitation Grant Advisory Group.

SB 63 revises provisions related to the licensure and regulation of ambulance services.

SB 64 revises provisions related to the regulation of emergency medical services and associated personnel.

SB 65 modifies time limits for collection efforts for debts owed to the state.

SB 67 provides for the sale of certain real estate located in Hughes County and provides for the deposit of the proceeds into a continuously appropriated fund.

SB 68 amends certain provisions pertaining to the South Dakota Retirement System to comply with federal law.

SB 69 amends certain provisions pertaining to the South Dakota Retirement System.

SB 71 removes a prohibition on the ability of law enforcement and various governmental entities to inspect, search, seize, prosecute, or impose disciplinary action on cannabis dispensaries, cultivation facilities, manufacturing facilities, and testing facilities.

SB 72 increases the annual limit of tax credits that an insurance company may claim through the partners in education tax credit program.

SB 75 modifies provisions pertaining to the designation of a legal newspaper.

SB 76 modifies provisions pertaining to the appointment of vacant positions on a board or commission.

SB 78 provides for an E15 fuel tax refund.

SB 79 revises provisions related to the possession, distribution, and manufacture of child pornography.

SB 80 improves technology equipment for providers of elderly care and to make an appropriation therefor.

SB 81 expands permission on installing electric wiring in a residence.

SB 84 updates the edition of the guidebook used for measuring damages to trees or plants.

SB 85 revises a provision related to an action to quiet title to real property.

SB 86 allows a municipality authorized to allow legal games of chance to issue additional off-sale liquor licenses to hotel-motel convention facilities.

SB 87 revises provisions related to the State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners and its appointed professional councils.

SB 88 provides information to an injured employee about eligibility in a program offered by a nonprofit organization.

SB 89 reduces the notice requirement period to terminate a tenancy at will.

SB 90 revises and repeals provisions related to forcible entry and detainer.

SB 94 amends provisions pertaining to the partners in education tax credit program.

SB 98 establishes the admissibility of evidence of similar crimes in child molestation cases.

SB 108 revises a provision related to retrocession of jurisdiction over federal enclaves.

SB 111 revises requirements for mining and mineral exploration.

SB 112 establishes a non-resident title fee.

SB 115 prevents a county, township, or municipality from authorizing a guaranteed income program.

SB 117 revises provisions regarding industrial hemp.

SB 118 permits the use of an online management and communication platform to be used by homeowners who are governed by a restrictive contract.

SB 124 revises the eligibility of roads for the rural access infrastructure fund.

SB 127 revises the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation and to establish a minimum teacher salary.

SB 131 includes shelterbelts as a factor affecting productivity in determining assessed value of agricultural land.

SB 144 makes an appropriation for grants to support airport terminal infrastructure projects and terminal improvement and expansion.

SB 146 revises and repeals provisions related to threatening persons holding statewide office, judicial officers, and elected officers and to provide a penalty therefor.

SB 147 provides for the distribution of informational materials regarding palliative care.

SB 148 provides permissive authority to a governing body of a municipality or county to deny reissuance of an on-sale license not actively used.

SB 151 revises and repeals provisions related to the licensure of athletic trainers.

SB 152 establishes maximum fees for legal publications and to remove related rule-making authority from the Bureau of Administration.

SB 165 creates the South Dakota-Ireland Trade Commission.

SB 168 makes an appropriation for victim services.

SB 169 revises provisions regarding drones.

SB 172 allows a person to temporarily take responsibility of a feral cat for the purpose of spaying or neutering the animal.

SB 173 provides a landowner-on-own-land license for antlerless elk.

SB 175 adds a domestic abuse shelter to the definition of a community safety zone.

SB 177 permits the appointment of a circuit court judge or Supreme Court justice as a member of the Public Utilities Commission in place of a disqualified or incapacitated commissioner.

SB 182 repeals and revises certain provisions regarding the petition circulation process to comply with federal court decisions.

SB 188 modifies the time before which rural access infrastructure grant moneys must be expended or obligated.

SB 190 requires a comparison of reemployment assistance recipients against death records for reemployment assistance eligibility integrity.

SB 191 restricts the use of medical cannabis for individuals on probation or conditional release.

SB 194 creates a license plate for certain retired firefighters and clarifies provisions regarding special firefighter license plates.

SB 198 authorizes school districts and nonpublic schools to acquire and administer nasal glucagon.

SB 199 revises provisions pertaining to the consolidation or boundary changes of counties.

SB 203 expands certain privileges for individuals who hold an unrestricted enhanced concealed carry permit.

SB 208 establishes reporting requirements for future fund awards or grants and makes technical changes.

SB 209 makes an appropriation for grants to assisted living centers and nursing facilities for costs related to telemedicine.

SB 211 revises notarial acts.

SB 212 allows for the payment of goods or services by a school district between school board meetings in certain circumstances.

SB 217 requires disclosure of certain information prior to the sale of property bound by a homeowners’ association.

SB 219 modifies provisions related to the control of counties and municipalities over medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions.

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