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Nuclear waste storage facility considered in Wyoming

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Gov. Mark Gordon says he is open to Wyoming pursuing a nuclear waste storage facility though he doesn’t personally believe it’s the best industry for the state.

Gordon told the Wyoming Tribune Eagle’s  editorial board last week that if a good reason can be found for such an industry in Wyoming and it has adequate safeguards, he’s not going to stand in its way.

The governor says he will wait to see what the state Legislature finds in its studies of the idea before making a decision.

This coming week in Casper the Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee will consider a bill authorizing the governor to negotiate with the U.S. Energy Department to store spent nuclear fuel rods within the state

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Rapid City, US
6:47 pm, September 20, 2024
temperature icon 76°F
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Humidity 34 %
Pressure 1002 mb
Wind 9 mph
Wind Gust: 0 mph
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 6:38 am
Sunset: 6:53 pm
Jadon Blair (13)

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