RAPID CITY, S.D. – Rapid City is in the upper eight-percent of fastest growing cities in all of the nation, and the fastest in the Midwest. That’s according to the US Census Bureau.
From 2020 to 2021, Rapid city grew by nearly two percent or triple the national average. That works out to be about 10 people coming to the area, per day.
Tom Johnson, President & CEO of Elevate Rapid City attributes part of the increased interest in Rapid City to the upcoming installation of B-21 bomber at Ellsworth Air Force Base. He anticipates as many as 40,000 people arriving to the area over the next year due to EAFB.
For Johnson, the challenge is retaining the history of Rapid City while also putting infrastructure and housing in place for more growth. He says that means things like housing and infrastructure need to be on the frontlines, while keeping the preservation of Rapid City’s way of life in mind, and making sure that, “we’re pedestrian friendly, bike friendly, dog friendly, and coffee shop friendly.”