STURGIS, S.D. – Looking for a way to give back and serve your community?
The City of Sturgis is looking for individuals to serve as members of the Planning Commission.
This is an opportunity to play an important role in the city’s governance.
An application for the commission openings is available at or at the Sturgis City Finance Office, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way.
The commission usually meets monthly on the first Tuesday following the first City Council meeting. This schedule sometimes changes due to holidays and other factors.
Just what is the Planning Commission: The commission is a dedicated group consisting of seven members appointed by the mayor. This commission is responsible for reviewing and making decisions about city planning and development.
The Commission is created by virtue of Sturgis City Ordinance, and it carries out its functions in accordance with SDCL 11-6 and has all the powers, duties and responsibilities as set forth in said state statutes. The Sturgis Planning Commission consists of seven (7) members who are appointed as set forth by the South Dakota Law. One member shall be chosen by the Planning Commission to serve as Chairman. In addition, one member of the Sturgis City Council will be appointed to serve as a Council Liaison. The terms of members shall be three years with overlapping tenures. All members of the Commission shall reside within the City of Sturgis or a radius of three miles thereof. Each member shall be entitled to one vote. Commissioners are paid a $50 stipend per meeting.