RAPID CITY, S.D. – A $300,000 tour bus was stolen from the Monument parking lot in Rapid City yesterday (Sept. 14) morning.
According to the Rapid City Police Department (RCPD), the charter bus was reported missing at 7:40 a.m. The bus was taken from the lot near the Monument and the Holiday Inn. RCPD reported the bus traveled northbound on North Ellis Road around 6 a.m.
General manager of the Utah-based bus company, Bryan Copyak, said that GPS coordinates alerted him that the vehicle stopped at Emmanuel Baptist Church, where the bus surveillance cameras cut out.
He said the thieves must have realized at some point they were being recorded and disabled the cameras.
Later that same day, the RCPD reported the tour bus had been recovered by the South Dakota Highway Patrol on Interstate 90 near Chamberlain, S.D.
The owner and general manager from the Le Bus company said they are thankful for their property back which was valued at around $300,000.