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Wrestling – Newcastle/Upton wins team title of Newell Round Robin

NEWELL, S.D. – The Newcastle/Upton squad won the Newell Round Robin Wrestling Tournament Tuesday, scoring 137 points.

Lead-Deadwood came in second with 102 points and Hardin County was distant third with 67 points.

Hulett and Lemmon-McIntosh round out the top five.

Here are results from TrackWrestling:

Girls 106

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Darla Barnes of Lemmon/McIntosh
  • 2nd Place – Nevaeh Foster of Lead-Deadwood

Round 1

  • Nevaeh Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 1-15, Jr. over Darla Barnes (Lemmon/McIntosh) 8-13, 8th. (Fall 2:52)

Round 2

  • Darla Barnes (Lemmon/McIntosh) 8-13, 8th. over Nevaeh Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 1-15, Jr. (Fall 2:50)

Round 3

  • Darla Barnes (Lemmon/McIntosh) 8-13, 8th. over Nevaeh Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 1-15, Jr. (Fall 3:58)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Tanner Millard of Lead-Deadwood
  • 2nd Place – Haven Vrana of Newcastle/Upton
  • 3rd Place – Charlie Clements of Newell
  • 4th Place – Gatlin Cordes of Philip Area

Round 1

  • Haven Vrana (Newcastle/Upton) 18-11, Fr. over Charlie Clements (Newell) 1-2, So. (Fall 5:29)
  • Tanner Millard (Lead-Deadwood) 14-7, Fr. over Gatlin Cordes (Philip Area) 5-9, 7th. (Fall 5:41)

Round 2

  • Haven Vrana (Newcastle/Upton) 18-11, Fr. over Gatlin Cordes (Philip Area) 5-9, 7th. (Dec 11-10)
  • Tanner Millard (Lead-Deadwood) 14-7, Fr. over Charlie Clements (Newell) 1-2, So. (Fall 5:35)

Round 3

  • Tanner Millard (Lead-Deadwood) 14-7, Fr. over Haven Vrana (Newcastle/Upton) 18-11, Fr. (Dec 10-4)
  • Charlie Clements (Newell) 1-2, So. over Gatlin Cordes (Philip Area) 5-9, 7th. (MD 10-2)

106 A

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Cooper Mackaben of Faith
  • 2nd Place – Blake Butler of Lemmon/McIntosh
  • 3rd Place – Shay Smith of Harding County
  • 4th Place – Bodie VanDerBoom of Newell

Round 1

  • Cooper Mackaben (Faith) 3-0, 8th. over Shay Smith (Harding County) 6-26, 7th. (MD 12-1)
  • Blake Butler (Lemmon/McIntosh) 2-1, 7th. over Bodie VanDerBoom (Newell) 0-3, 7th. (Fall 1:31)

Round 2

  • Shay Smith (Harding County) 6-26, 7th. over Bodie VanDerBoom (Newell) 0-3, 7th. (Dec 6-2)
  • Cooper Mackaben (Faith) 3-0, 8th. over Blake Butler (Lemmon/McIntosh) 2-1, 7th. (Fall 1:12)

Round 3

  • Blake Butler (Lemmon/McIntosh) 2-1, 7th. over Shay Smith (Harding County) 6-26, 7th. (Fall 2:42)
  • Cooper Mackaben (Faith) 3-0, 8th. over Bodie VanDerBoom (Newell) 0-3, 7th. (Fall 1:45)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Gage Anderson of Lemmon/McIntosh
  • 2nd Place – Asher Peterson of Philip Area
  • 3rd Place – Joe Eaton of Newell

Round 1

  • Asher Peterson (Philip Area) 8-16, So. over Joe Eaton (Newell) 0-2, 7th. (Dec 5-3)

Round 2

  • Gage Anderson (Lemmon/McIntosh) 27-8, Fr. over Asher Peterson (Philip Area) 8-16, So. (Fall 4:17)

Round 3

  • Gage Anderson (Lemmon/McIntosh) 27-8, Fr. over Joe Eaton (Newell) 0-2, 7th. (Fall 3:19)

113 A

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Drew Janke of Lead-Deadwood
  • 2nd Place – Oakley Menzel of Philip Area
  • 3rd Place – Abrym Heinert of Newell

Round 1

  • Oakley Menzel (Philip Area) 3-9, 7th. over Abrym Heinert (Newell) 0-2, So. (Fall 5:33)

Round 2

  • Drew Janke (Lead-Deadwood) 16-18, Fr. over Abrym Heinert (Newell) 0-2, So. (Fall 1:50)

Round 3

  • Drew Janke (Lead-Deadwood) 16-18, Fr. over Oakley Menzel (Philip Area) 3-9, 7th. (Fall 1:02)

Girls 120

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Kyah Miller of Newcastle/Upton
  • 2nd Place – Janie Fredericksen of Lead-Deadwood

Round 1

  • Kyah Miller (Newcastle/Upton) 10-8, Jr. over Janie Fredericksen (Lead-Deadwood) 0-8, 8th. (Fall 0:49)

Round 2

  • Kyah Miller (Newcastle/Upton) 10-8, Jr. over Janie Fredericksen (Lead-Deadwood) 0-8, 8th. (Fall 3:10)

Round 3

  • This match has not been wrestled yet.


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Cade Martian of Harding County
  • 2nd Place – Jackson East of Newcastle/Upton
  • 3rd Place – Karter Mayberry of Sundance
  • 4th Place – Kayden Austin of Hulett
  • 5th Place – Myka Fitzgerald of Lead-Deadwood

Round 1

  • Jackson East (Newcastle/Upton) 20-10, Fr. over Karter Mayberry (Sundance) 2-2, So. (Fall 1:35)
  • Kayden Austin (Hulett) 8-9, Sr. over Myka Fitzgerald (Lead-Deadwood) 8-23, So. (Fall 3:17)

Round 2

  • Cade Martian (Harding County) 34-9, Sr. over Myka Fitzgerald (Lead-Deadwood) 8-23, So. (Fall 0:31)
  • Jackson East (Newcastle/Upton) 20-10, Fr. over Kayden Austin (Hulett) 8-9, Sr. (Fall 1:50)

Round 3

  • Cade Martian (Harding County) 34-9, Sr. over Kayden Austin (Hulett) 8-9, Sr. (Fall 2:27)
  • Karter Mayberry (Sundance) 2-2, So. over Myka Fitzgerald (Lead-Deadwood) 8-23, So. (Fall 0:44)

Round 4

  • Cade Martian (Harding County) 34-9, Sr. over Karter Mayberry (Sundance) 2-2, So. (Fall 1:50)
  • Jackson East (Newcastle/Upton) 20-10, Fr. over Myka Fitzgerald (Lead-Deadwood) 8-23, So. (Fall 1:03)

Round 5

  • Cade Martian (Harding County) 34-9, Sr. over Jackson East (Newcastle/Upton) 20-10, Fr. (Fall 3:10)
  • Karter Mayberry (Sundance) 2-2, So. over Kayden Austin (Hulett) 8-9, Sr. (Fall 1:03)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Lincoln Wickstrom of Harding County
  • 2nd Place – Westin Edwards of St. Thomas More
  • 3rd Place – Scott Larson of Newcastle/Upton
  • 4th Place – David Clayton of Faith

Round 1

  • Scott Larson (Newcastle/Upton) 10-8, Fr. over David Clayton (Faith) 0-3, 7th. (Fall 0:58)
  • Lincoln Wickstrom (Harding County) 27-21, 8th. over Westin Edwards (St. Thomas More) 15-12, So. (Fall 4:28)

Round 2

  • Lincoln Wickstrom (Harding County) 27-21, 8th. over Scott Larson (Newcastle/Upton) 10-8, Fr. (TF-1.5 5:13 (15-0))
  • Westin Edwards (St. Thomas More) 15-12, So. over David Clayton (Faith) 0-3, 7th. (Fall 0:37)

Round 3

  • Westin Edwards (St. Thomas More) 15-12, So. over Scott Larson (Newcastle/Upton) 10-8, Fr. (Dec 7-6)
  • Lincoln Wickstrom (Harding County) 27-21, 8th. over David Clayton (Faith) 0-3, 7th. (TF-1.5 4:19 (15-0))

126 A

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Cael Holmes of Newcastle/Upton
  • 2nd Place – Kash Slovek of Philip Area
  • 3rd Place – Roy Antrim of Faith

Round 1

  • Kash Slovek (Philip Area) 1-1, So. over Roy Antrim (Faith) 0-2, 8th. (MD 9-1)

Round 2

  • Cael Holmes (Newcastle/Upton) 11-7, Sr. over Roy Antrim (Faith) 0-2, 8th. (Fall 0:59)

Round 3

  • Cael Holmes (Newcastle/Upton) 11-7, Sr. over Kash Slovek (Philip Area) 1-1, So. (Fall 1:33)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Johnny Morgan of Newcastle/Upton
  • 2nd Place – Cash Hanson of Harding County
  • 3rd Place – MJ Ulmer of Hulett
  • 4th Place – Mekhi Hayes of Lead-Deadwood

Round 1

  • Johnny Morgan (Newcastle/Upton) 15-4, Sr. over Mekhi Hayes (Lead-Deadwood) 4-11, So. (Dec 7-6)
  • Cash Hanson (Harding County) 9-23, 7th. over MJ Ulmer (Hulett) 16-9, Jr. (Dec 11-10)

Round 2

  • Johnny Morgan (Newcastle/Upton) 15-4, Sr. over MJ Ulmer (Hulett) 16-9, Jr. (MD 13-0)
  • Cash Hanson (Harding County) 9-23, 7th. over Mekhi Hayes (Lead-Deadwood) 4-11, So. (For.)

Round 3

  • Johnny Morgan (Newcastle/Upton) 15-4, Sr. over Cash Hanson (Harding County) 9-23, 7th. (Dec 6-1)
  • MJ Ulmer (Hulett) 16-9, Jr. over Mekhi Hayes (Lead-Deadwood) 4-11, So. (For.)

132 A

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Andrew Davis of Sundance
  • 2nd Place – Thomas Prell of Newcastle/Upton
  • 3rd Place – Justen Foster of Hulett
  • 4th Place – Gus Buchanan of Harding County

Round 1

  • Andrew Davis (Sundance) 3-0, Sr. over Thomas Prell (Newcastle/Upton) 12-18, So. (Fall 2:48)
  • Justen Foster (Hulett) 7-14, Fr. over Gus Buchanan (Harding County) 1-19, Fr. (Fall 1:26)

Round 2

  • Thomas Prell (Newcastle/Upton) 12-18, So. over Justen Foster (Hulett) 7-14, Fr. (Fall 1:59)
  • Andrew Davis (Sundance) 3-0, Sr. over Gus Buchanan (Harding County) 1-19, Fr. (Fall 0:39)

Round 3

  • Thomas Prell (Newcastle/Upton) 12-18, So. over Gus Buchanan (Harding County) 1-19, Fr. (Fall 0:36)
  • Andrew Davis (Sundance) 3-0, Sr. over Justen Foster (Hulett) 7-14, Fr. (Fall 1:00)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Tristen Fierbach of Lead-Deadwood
  • 2nd Place – Landon Williams of Lead-Deadwood
  • 3rd Place – Brighton Thibault of Hulett
  • 4th Place – Daniel Stone of St. Thomas More

Round 1

  • Tristen Fierbach (Lead-Deadwood) 11-3, Sr. over Daniel Stone (St. Thomas More) 1-12, Jr. (Fall 0:15)
  • Landon Williams (Lead-Deadwood) 2-1, Sr. over Brighton Thibault (Hulett) 4-10, Jr. (Fall 0:31)

Round 2

  • Tristen Fierbach (Lead-Deadwood) 11-3, Sr. over Landon Williams (Lead-Deadwood) 2-1, Sr. (Dec 10-8)
  • Brighton Thibault (Hulett) 4-10, Jr. over Daniel Stone (St. Thomas More) 1-12, Jr. (Fall 0:36)

Round 3

  • Tristen Fierbach (Lead-Deadwood) 11-3, Sr. over Brighton Thibault (Hulett) 4-10, Jr. (Fall 1:32)
  • Landon Williams (Lead-Deadwood) 2-1, Sr. over Daniel Stone (St. Thomas More) 1-12, Jr. (Fall 0:31)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Chase VanDerBoom of Newell
  • 2nd Place – Miles Renner of Lead-Deadwood
  • 3rd Place – Cullen Davis of Newcastle/Upton

Round 1

  • Chase VanDerBoom (Newell) 2-0, Sr. over Miles Renner (Lead-Deadwood) 18-13, So. (Fall 4:25)

Round 2

  • Miles Renner (Lead-Deadwood) 18-13, So. over Cullen Davis (Newcastle/Upton) 17-10, Fr. (Fall 1:05)

Round 3

  • Chase VanDerBoom (Newell) 2-0, Sr. over Cullen Davis (Newcastle/Upton) 17-10, Fr. (Fall 3:04)

145 A

Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Aidan Coberly of Newcastle/Upton
  • 2nd Place – Chris Cronin of St. Thomas More
  • 3rd Place – Cody Zentner of Lemmon/McIntosh

Round 1

  • Chris Cronin (St. Thomas More) 5-11, Fr. over Cody Zentner (Lemmon/McIntosh) 4-19, So. (Fall 0:59)

Round 2

  • Aidan Coberly (Newcastle/Upton) 15-11, Sr. over Chris Cronin (St. Thomas More) 5-11, Fr. (Fall 1:18)

Round 3

  • Aidan Coberly (Newcastle/Upton) 15-11, Sr. over Cody Zentner (Lemmon/McIntosh) 4-19, So. (Fall 2:14)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Wyatt Head of Harding County
  • 2nd Place – Isaac Foster of Lead-Deadwood
  • 3rd Place – Walker Simianer of Newcastle/Upton
  • 4th Place – Cruz Mollman of Lead-Deadwood
  • 5th Place – Liam Holt of Sundance

Round 1

  • Isaac Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 11-18, So. over Walker Simianer (Newcastle/Upton) 10-14, So. (Fall 0:51)
  • Cruz Mollman (Lead-Deadwood) 1-10, Fr. over Liam Holt (Sundance) 0-4, So. (Fall 0:48)

Round 2

  • Wyatt Head (Harding County) 19-15, Jr. over Cruz Mollman (Lead-Deadwood) 1-10, Fr. (Fall 1:07)
  • Walker Simianer (Newcastle/Upton) 10-14, So. over Liam Holt (Sundance) 0-4, So. (Fall 2:26)

Round 3

  • Wyatt Head (Harding County) 19-15, Jr. over Liam Holt (Sundance) 0-4, So. (Fall 1:04)
  • Isaac Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 11-18, So. over Cruz Mollman (Lead-Deadwood) 1-10, Fr. (Fall 2:15)

Round 4

  • Wyatt Head (Harding County) 19-15, Jr. over Isaac Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 11-18, So. (Fall 4:43)
  • Walker Simianer (Newcastle/Upton) 10-14, So. over Cruz Mollman (Lead-Deadwood) 1-10, Fr. (Fall 1:23)

Round 5

  • Wyatt Head (Harding County) 19-15, Jr. over Walker Simianer (Newcastle/Upton) 10-14, So. (Fall 0:36)
  • Isaac Foster (Lead-Deadwood) 11-18, So. over Liam Holt (Sundance) 0-4, So. (Fall 1:08)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Jacob Prell of Newcastle/Upton
  • 2nd Place – Gavin Tesch of Newell
  • 3rd Place – Steven Buchholz of Lead-Deadwood
  • 4th Place – Jackson Rusch of St. Thomas More

Round 1

  • Jacob Prell (Newcastle/Upton) 20-9, Jr. over Gavin Tesch (Newell) 2-1, So. (Fall 0:59)
  • Steven Buchholz (Lead-Deadwood) 1-5, So. over Jackson Rusch (St. Thomas More) 0-9, 7th. (Fall 1:18)

Round 2

  • Jacob Prell (Newcastle/Upton) 20-9, Jr. over Jackson Rusch (St. Thomas More) 0-9, 7th. (Fall 0:23)
  • Gavin Tesch (Newell) 2-1, So. over Steven Buchholz (Lead-Deadwood) 1-5, So. (Fall 2:46)

Round 3

  • Jacob Prell (Newcastle/Upton) 20-9, Jr. over Steven Buchholz (Lead-Deadwood) 1-5, So. (Fall 0:54)
  • Gavin Tesch (Newell) 2-1, So. over Jackson Rusch (St. Thomas More) 0-9, 7th. (Fall 1:06)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Dylan Meade of Lead-Deadwood
  • 2nd Place – Gavin Mollenbrink of Sundance
  • 3rd Place – Leo Lyons of Sundance

Round 1

  • Dylan Meade (Lead-Deadwood) 13-17, So. over Leo Lyons (Sundance) 0-1, Sr. (Fall 2:29)

Round 2

  • Dylan Meade (Lead-Deadwood) 13-17, So. over Gavin Mollenbrink (Sundance) 0-1, . (Fall 0:34)

Round 3

  • Gavin Mollenbrink (Sundance) 0-1, . over Leo Lyons (Sundance) 0-1, Sr. (NC)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Josh Womack of Newcastle/Upton
  • 2nd Place – Herman Frisvold of Lemmon/McIntosh
  • 3rd Place – Kagan Lawrence of Hulett
  • 4th Place – Heath Henkle of Newcastle/Upton

Round 1

  • Josh Womack (Newcastle/Upton) 26-3, Sr. over Kagan Lawrence (Hulett) 8-9, Jr. (Fall 2:38)
  • Herman Frisvold (Lemmon/McIntosh) 17-17, Sr. over Heath Henkle (Newcastle/Upton) 7-4, Jr. (Fall 4:30)

Round 2

  • Josh Womack (Newcastle/Upton) 26-3, Sr. over Heath Henkle (Newcastle/Upton) 7-4, Jr. (Fall 1:09)
  • Herman Frisvold (Lemmon/McIntosh) 17-17, Sr. over Kagan Lawrence (Hulett) 8-9, Jr. (Fall 2:45)

Round 3

  • Josh Womack (Newcastle/Upton) 26-3, Sr. over Herman Frisvold (Lemmon/McIntosh) 17-17, Sr. (Fall 1:04)
  • Kagan Lawrence (Hulett) 8-9, Jr. over Heath Henkle (Newcastle/Upton) 7-4, Jr. (Fall 5:30)


Guaranteed Places

  • 1st Place – Christian Reilly of Hulett
  • 2nd Place – Justin Schopp of Lemmon/McIntosh
  • 3rd Place – Dawson Flahaven of Sundance
  • 4th Place – Colton Niles of Newell
  • 5th Place – Keith Brummet of Philip Area

Round 1

  • Justin Schopp (Lemmon/McIntosh) 18-14, Sr. over Dawson Flahaven (Sundance) 2-2, Sr. (Dec 8-2)
  • Colton Niles (Newell) 1-3, So. over Keith Brummet (Philip Area) 4-22, Jr. (Fall 1:53)

Round 2

  • Christian Reilly (Hulett) 18-3, So. over Colton Niles (Newell) 1-3, So. (Fall 2:16)
  • Dawson Flahaven (Sundance) 2-2, Sr. over Keith Brummet (Philip Area) 4-22, Jr. (Fall 1:30)

Round 3

  • Christian Reilly (Hulett) 18-3, So. over Keith Brummet (Philip Area) 4-22, Jr. (Fall 1:23)
  • Justin Schopp (Lemmon/McIntosh) 18-14, Sr. over Colton Niles (Newell) 1-3, So. (Dec 7-2)

Round 4

  • Christian Reilly (Hulett) 18-3, So. over Justin Schopp (Lemmon/McIntosh) 18-14, Sr. (Fall 1:32)
  • Dawson Flahaven (Sundance) 2-2, Sr. over Colton Niles (Newell) 1-3, So. (Fall 3:46)

Round 5

  • Christian Reilly (Hulett) 18-3, So. over Dawson Flahaven (Sundance) 2-2, Sr. (Fall 0:22)
  • Justin Schopp (Lemmon/McIntosh) 18-14, Sr. over Keith Brummet (Philip Area) 4-22, Jr. (Fall 4:33)

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Photo by Alex Schoof


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