Active and hospitalizations down, four new deaths reported in Thursday COVID-19 update

PIERRE, S.D. – The number of active cases and the number of hospitalizations were both down in the latest COVID-19 report released by the South Dakota Department of Health Thursday.

However, four counties reported a COVID-19 related death. They include Pennington, Brown, Union and Minnehaha. The victims include one in the 40-49 year age group one in the 50-59 year age group and two in the 80 and older age group. The state’s death toll is now 73.

Overall, there were 62 new cases of COVID-19, with 16 in Pennington County. Pennington now has 351 cumulative cases and 170 active cases. Among those cases are at least two dozen being reported at the Avantara Arrowhead nursing home facility.

There were no new cases in Meade County, and the number of active cases dropped to 8. There was also a new recovery in Lawrence County, leaving just one active case there.

In Oglala Lakota County, there were no new cases with 23 active.

The number of active cases statewide was down 34 from yesterday to 928. The number of people hospitalized also decreased from 101 Wednesday to 87 Thursday.

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