Western South Dakota's Only Ranch Station

Casteel’s are the number one auction in the Black Hills

STURGIS, SD – There are fewer bigger compliments than having the neighbors as customers.  That’s exactly what Jerry Casteel of Casteel Auctions & Real Estate has built his business on – a philosophy that has earned the long-time family business, “Best of the Black Hills.”

“Each year, the Rapid City Journal does a promotion, asking people to vote for the best-of,” explains Jerry. “This year, our auction business won it and we’re really pleased.”  The business is now the number one auction company in the Black Hills, by popular vote.

When Jerry was a youngster, he was always trying to sell something.  “It didn’t matter what it was, I would sell it. I decided to go to auctioneering school, got my first sales after I got back home, and have been doing it ever since.”

Casteel Auction & Real Estate, Inc., has been in business since 1979 and  licensed realtors since 1984, licensed in both South Dakota and Wyoming. Son Ryan has been in the auction business since 1987 and a licensed realtor in South Dakota since 2003.

Casteel’s specializes in real estate auctions, estate auctions, farm auctions, antique and business auctions, and ag-related auctions, as well as real estate sales. They are members of local, state and national associations and the Better Business Bureau.

After almost 40 years in business, the auction and real estate company that includes wife Pat and son Ryan, along with grandkids who help out over the years,  Casteel’s still puts its time and talent not only into doing a professional job for customers but by also offering its resources to help others. Jerry and the crew donate their time to many charitable fundraisers around the region.

“Our business takes us all over and we get a chance to really get to know folks,” he observes.  “That matters in the auction business.”  He adds, “For those times when we donate our services to help raise money for someone in a health crisis or an organization that does good work, well, that’s just what we do in these parts.”

The most recent recognition of Best in the Black Hills joins a long list of shows of appreciation to the long-time auction and real estate company that still keeps it neighborly.

“I’m really honored to receive this,” says Jerry.  “When your neighbors vote for you, that means a lot.  We’ll just keep doing what we’re doing; the best job we can for both the seller and the buyer.”

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Rapid City, US
6:55 am, September 8, 2024
temperature icon 61°F
clear sky
Humidity 62 %
Pressure 1014 mb
Wind 8 mph
Wind Gust: 11 mph
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 6:24 am
Sunset: 7:16 pm
Danica Dschaak

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