Fire crews battle grass fire off Highway 44 near Rapid City Regional Airport

RAPID CITY, S.D. — Rapid City area fire crews knocked down a  grass fire in a wheat field off of Highway 44 east of Rapid City Regional Airport Thursday.

Fire officials say the fire burned 110 acres across a narrow stretch of land estimated to be about a mile long.

Joe Tjaden Rapid Valley Fire Chief, says the fire was started by a piece of agricultural equipment that struck a rock, igniting nearby dry vegetation.

The fie spread across multiple properties but no structures or vehicles were lost.


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Rapid City, US
1:50 am, January 1, 2025
temperature icon 19°F
few clouds
Humidity 74 %
Pressure 1027 mb
Wind 0 mph
Wind Gust: 0 mph
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 7:27 am
Sunset: 4:25 pm

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